融解移植に向けて凍結胚を保存している患者様、 単一胚移植をご予定の患者様に朗報です。

“Single-embryo transfer of vitrified-warmed blastocysts yields equivalent live-birth rates and improved neonatal outcomes compared with fresh transfers.” Roy, T et al.
Fertility and Sterility 2014.
現在、多くのクリニックでは多胎妊娠のリスクを防ぐために単一胚移植が選択されています。緩慢凍結法と比較して、ガラス化 (凍結)胚移植の臨床成績は非常に高く、融解時の胚盤胞生存率も90%を超えています。
For those of you that have cryopreserved your embryos for future use and have scheduled single-embryo transfers, this study may offer you some reassurance.
“Single-embryo transfer of vitrified-warmed blastocysts yields equivalent live-birth rates and improved neonatal outcomes compared with fresh transfers.” Roy, T et al. Fertility and Sterility 2014.
Many clinics are now opting for single-embryo transfers to avoid multiple pregnancy complications. Clinical out comes from vitrified (frozen) embryo transfers have improved greatly and blastocyst survival rates are above 90% for this protocol, unlike the slow-freezing method.
This study shows that vitrified-warmed blastocysts, have the same live-birth rates as fresh embryo transfers and furthermore improved neo natal outcomes more than fresh. This also means that future frozen thawed embryo transfers, may have superior endometrial receptivity because there are no adverse effects from gonadotropin treatment used for ovarian stimulation, increasing the chance of successful pregnancy.
At Oak Clinic, vitrified-warmed embryos or blastocysts have a higher pregnancy rate than fresh embryo transfers, which is even better news.