
多くの動物研究でfreeze-dry法 (乾燥凍結法)が試みられており、それらの結果では遺伝物質は維持されると報告されています。
“DNA integrity is maintained after freeze-drying of human spermatozoa.” Gianaroli et al. Fertility and Sterility, May 2012.
Liquid nitrogen is used to cryopreserve sperm, however tanks require storage space, it’s expensive to ship and it can increase DNA damage (fragmentation) after thawing (although we use a special medium to protect the sperm from damage.)
Many animal studies use freeze-dry procedures and their results suggest genetic material is maintained.
There are few studies for human sperm. The following study measured various parameters before and after freeze-drying.
“DNA integrity is maintained after freeze-drying of human spermatozoa.”
Gianaroli et al. Fertility and Sterility, May 2012.
Unfortunately there was total loss in motility and viability after rehydration which indicates cell membrane damage, but there was no significant difference in fragmented DNA compared to the fresh sperm sample.
More work needs to be done before human sperm can be freeze dried and used like instant coffee but a very promising procedure for the future!