In the rapidly advancing field of reproductive medicine, we embryologists are constantly working to refine our techniques.
We use state-of-the-art equipment and culture media recognized as being of the highest standard worldwide.
Our staff includes certified reproductive technologists who are responsible for nurturing the precious fertilized eggs entrusted to us by our patients.
Fertilized eggs are where life begins.
Each one breathes and grows, absorbing nutrients along the way.
Our job is to carefully control the delicate environment surrounding these little embryos.
Training is essential, of course. At our clinic, all of our embryologists, including veterans, are required to undergo regular training.
We practice every procedure repeatedly to maintain a consistent level of technical proficiency.
Using a device called a manipulator, we control delicate movements with our fingertips, left to right, right to left, hour after hour.
Training can go on until late at night, until our bodies have memorized every movement.
Until our hands move instinctively.
Until our fingertips can feel the breath of a tiny new life beginning.
We watch over the birth of life that starts from just one fertilized egg.