Emergency Contraception Pill

It is a contraceptive that is used when you do not want to become pregnant and you have failed contraception or have had unprotected sex.
It is a tablet containing estrogen and progesterone and must be taken within 72hours (3days) after sexual intercourse.
It depends on when you had sex during your menstrual cycle and whether you took the emergency contraceptive pill,

・Suppress ovulation
・Prevents uterine implantation of a fertilized egg
・Stimulates suppression / delay of ovulation

and other functions that make it effective for contraception.

emergency contraceptive pill

About the emergency contraceptive pill

Emergency contraception pills are taken within 72hours after sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy in cases of contraceptive failure.
At our clinic, we offer two types of pills: Plan B and Levonorgestrel tablets.
Plan B is cheaper in terms of cost, but Levonorgestrel tablets have a higher efficacy and may have fewer side effects.

According to the recommendations of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Plan B is classified as C using the Yuzpe method, while Levonorgestrel tablets are classified as B.(C: Considered, B: Recommended)

Neither option guarantees 100% prevention of pregnancy, so if your menstrual period is delayed, it is necessary to seek medical attention.
Additionally, it is important to note that abnormal uterine bleeding or bleeding in early pregnancy may be indistinguishable from normal bleeding, so caution is advised.

Planovar Levonorgestrel Tablet
Before Tax Including Tax Before Tax Including Tax
Cost About ¥5,900 About ¥6,490 About ¥11,190 About ¥12,300
(Not covered by insurance,
First exam cost included)
(Not covered by insurance,
First exam cost included)
2times every 12hours.
2tablets taken orally at 1time.
1tablet orally once a day.
Sometimes there are those who show signs of nausea. Sometimes there are those who show signs of nausea.

*Please note that only "Planovar" is available for prescription through our online consultation service "Pill Online®".

Functions of the emergency contraceptive pill

Planovar is the traditionally used method.
It is relatively inexpensive, but tends to have strong side effects such as dizziness.
Norlevo is the most used emergency contraceptive (after pill) in the world because it has a higher rate of pregnancy inhibition and fewer side effects than Planovar.
It is also designated as an essential emergency contraceptive by the WHO.
Both are tablets containing estrogen and progesterone,

  • ・Suppress ovulation
  • ・Prevents uterine implantation of a fertilized egg
  • ・Stimulates suppression / delay of ovulation

and other functions that make it effective for contraception.
Depending on what time of the menstrual cycle the woman had sex and took the emergency contraceptive pill, taking the pill within 72hours (3days) after the act of intercourse will act to block the recording pregnancy, making ovulation less likely and the uterus a less fertile environment.

About medical appointment

Please call during reception hours to make an appointment.

Please inquire before your visit as each facility may handle things differently.
Our Ginza location only handles infertility treatment.

English Help Desk

TEL: 070-1820-0909

Email: english_help@oakclinic-group.com

[Reception time]
Monday-Sunday 09:00-17:00

For those who wish to have an online medical examination, please visit Pill Online®.
