About Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment is a treatment given to couples who wish to conceive and bear a child but have not shown signs of pregnancy for a certain period of time.
Today, one in 14 babies is born through IVF, 35.0% or approximately 1 in 2.9 couples have ever worried about infertility, and 18.2% or approximately 1 in 5.5 couples have actually undergone (or are currently undergoing) infertility testing or treatment, so infertility treatment is no longer such a rare medical practice.
It is known that the older both men and women get, the less likely they are to conceive, whether through fertility treatment or natural conception.
Couples who are hoping to have children but are having difficulty conceiving should try testing as soon as possible.

About Infertility Treatment

We provide tailor-made fertility treatment to every patient.

Depending on the cause of infertility, we can create a customized plan to help each patient individually.

If the cause is
on the sperm side

  • AIH
  • IVF
  • ICSI

If the cause is
on the ovum side

  • Ovarian Stimulating Hormone Injection
  • IVF
  • ICSI etc.

From timing method to artificial insemination to IVF and ICSI, we have many strategies we can use.
With specialized outpatient clinics for implantation failure, recurrent miscarriage, male infertility, and more, we can provide detailed support.
In addition, both Oak Sumiyoshi, Oak Umeda, and Oak Ginza have established outpatient infertility clinics to handle IVF cases round the clock, 7 days a week.

In addition to advanced reproductive medical technology, we also specialize in patient counseling.

The Oak Clinic Group provides a full range of facilities and advanced technologies.

What is specific infertility treatment?

Of these treatments, IVF and ICSI in particular tend to be expensive because they require special techniques and equipment in addition to being free treatment (self-funded).
For this reason, many municipalities provide subsidies for these treatments as "specific Infertility treatments.
For more information, please refer to the website of your prefecture or municipality.

Infertility Treatment and Probability of Natural Conception

The pregnancy rate per embryo transfer is approximately 20-30%, which is about the same as the probability of natural conception in a healthy reproductive age male and female who have unprotected sexual intercourse.
There is still much that is not understood about the mechanism of pregnancy, and it is difficult to exceed the probability of natural conception in fertility treatment.

In both fertility treatment and natural conception, the older both men and women get, the less likely they are to conceive.
Couples who are hoping to have children but are having difficulty conceiving should definitely try testing as soon as possible.

Inquiries & Consultations

It’s natural to have worries and concerns whether you’re starting fertility treatment for the first time or transferring from another hospital.
We accept inquires by phone and email from anyone considering visiting.

  • Contact us even if you’re not sure whether to start treatment!
  • Contact us even if you haven’t decided for sure if you’ll transfer or not!

No matter what your concern – policies, treatments, fees, etc. – please feel free to reach out. Specialists will be happy to assist you.
Email and phone consultations with the help center are free.

English Help Desk

TEL: 070-1820-0909

Email: english_help@oakclinic-group.com

[Reception time]
Monday-Sunday 09:00-17:00

Special page

On this page, you can find information about implantation failure.

This is a special page for recurrent miscarriage, etc.

This is a special page about IFCE, an implantation-assisting technology.

This page provides general information on preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
It also covers miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities.

We will introduce behind the scenes of in vitro fertilization from the culture room from various angles.