Cryopreservation Containers

Recently, the cryopreservation of embryos, blastocysts, oocytes, and sperm has become popular.

During cryopreservation, cryoprotectants are added to cells to avoid ice crystal damage before being placed in a liquid nitrogen tank.
A special container is used, about which the following 3 points apply.

①The container is meant for temperatures as low as -200°C
②The container is stable for cells like oocytes, etc.
③The shape makes it easy to collect cells during thawing.

The container also has identifying markers, so that we can always be sure of patients’ ID, name, etc. while using up as little space as possible.

Cryopreserving Sperm

  • Tube:
    A closed plastic container with a diameter of about 1cm and a height of about 5cm. Label the management number, patient name, and date.
  • Straw:
    A plastic straw with a diameter of about 2mm. It saves space, but the drawback is that you cannot name the container itself.

Cryopreserving Oocytes/Embryos

  • Cryotop:
    A small amount of culture solution is placed on the plastic along with oocytes. Labels contain management number, patient name, oocyte information, etc. on the handle.


  • Cryotop Part 2:
    The seat part of the cryotop forms a loop. Cryoloop

fixed to a metal device called [cane]

These containers are fixed to a metal device called a "cane", and the cane is placed in a "canister" and stored in a liquid nitrogen tank.

Number of cryopreservation containers
1 tank = 6 canisters
1 canister = 40 canes
1 cane = 4 cryotops
1 cryotop = 3 oocytes, OR 1 embryo