Here you can find information about frequently asked questions.
Q | When I visit for the first time, do I need an appointment? |
A |
First time visitors can come to the clinic without an appointment, but you will have a smoother experience if you contact by phone or email first, especially if you require service in English, as English-speaking doctors are not always available.
If you want to visit as a walk-in, be sure to bring your health insurance card and national ID during reception hours. How busy we are varies from day to day. If you contact by phone or email, we can provide more details. → Click here for contact information. |
Q | What should I do if I have irregular periods, making it hard to plan clinic visits? |
A |
You can have your first visit anytime, even if your period is irregular or you are currently menstruating.
After an initial examination, we will make a treatment plan together and can help with the future schedule. |
Q | How many times a month do I have to go to the clinic? |
A |
In most cases, there will be about 3-4 visits in a month.
In the case of the timing method or artificial insemination, you will have to visit the hospital a few days prior to ovulation, and on ovulation day, to confirm. The first few cycles will occur in succession. In the case of IVF, you will have to go to the hospital a couple of times between the start of the cycle and the oocyte retrieval, and then a couple more times for the oocyte retrieval and follow-ups. |
Q | Can I keep working during treatment? |
A |
Most people continue working throughout treatment.
In the case of the timing method or artificial insemination, the next visit date will be decided in consultation with the doctor. While some treatments have more or less flexibility, you can discuss the matter with the doctor to make a plan. Sometimes, after-hours appointments are also available. You can keep your schedule for the most part. |
Q | Can my husband or male partner attend appointments with me? |
A |
Your husband or male partner can wait for you in the lobby.
However, men cannot enter the examination rooms. We will call men to the front desk when there is something they can join, for example examination results or other information. |
Q | Can I bring children with me? |
A |
For safety reasons, children are not permitted in the clinic at Umeda and Ginza locations.
At the Sumiyoshi, Osaka clinic, a childcare service is available during business hours to care for children from 6 months old to 6th grade, for a small fee. Please ask the front desk for details. |
Q | Is there parking? |
A |
At Oak Sumiyoshi in Osaka, there is a parking area for a few cars next to the hospital.
If it is full, there is a lot nearby, about 100m distance, where you can park for around 3 hours. At other clinics, you are responsible for finding your own parking. |
Q | I am planning to do IVF, is it OK to get vaccinated for COVID-19? |
A |
The COVID-19 vaccine can be given until you become pregnant.
If you become pregnant, please wait until after 12 weeks. |
Q | If my husband is not available for appointments where sperm is needed, what can I do? |
A |
Sperm for procedures like artificial insemination or semen tests can be collected at home.
Let us know and we will provide you with a special cup and give more details about the process. If you would prefer to visit the clinic, we do have a semen collection room. |
Q | What anesthesia is used for oocyte pick-up? |
A |
We use a combination of intravenous anesthesia and local anesthesia.
Intravenous anesthesia makes you sleepy and causes mild amnesia, and local anesthesia in the cervical canal relieves the pain of the procedure. When using intravenous anesthesia, there are restrictions such as requiring around two hours afterward to wait before leaving the clinic. If you want to avoid intravenous anesthesia for any reason, please let the doctor know in advance and we can discuss oocyte pick-up with only local anesthesia. |
Q |
My schedule makes it hard to plan oocyte pick-up.
Is it still possible for me to do IVF? |
A |
It is possible! We can handle cases where the day of the week is limited, or when you are coming from overseas and have a deadline for staying in Japan.
There are restrictions on the type of treatment protocol, however. In some cases, you have to prioritize one aspect of treatment or the other. We can make a plan together with you, so please contact us. |
Q | I feel concerned about fertilization and development of embryos after oocyte pick-up, can you keep me updated? |
A |
Of course we can help.
The main help desk in Japanese is available from Monday-Saturday 10:00-16:00 and Sundays/holidays from 10:00-13:00. The English Help Desk is available Tuesday-Saturday from 9:00-17:00. You can ask during a visit, or you can call or email. Depending on the result of oocyte pick-up, unexpected situations may arise, like poor fertilization rate or few mature oocytes collected. In that case, it may be necessary to change the plan. Understanding the condition is indispensable in cases like this. All inquiries about oocytes will be handled by the laboratory staff with the most knowledge of them. |
Q | Can I get pictures of oocytes and embryos? |
A |
At the end of an oocyte pick-up cycle, we can give you pictures of embryos just before freezing.
The report will also include other information about the oocytes, sperm, and embryos. |
Q | Is oocyte pick-up painful? |
A |
Rest assured that anesthesia will be used.
The procedure itself is done under sedation, so you will be asleep during surgery. Most patients do not remember the surgery itself. However, please note that when many oocytes are grown and collected, you may have lower abdominal pain afterward. Painkillers can be prescribed for you. |
Q | Is it better to rest after embryo transfer procedures? |
A |
It is OK to live as usual. Even right after the embryo transfer, the evidence suggests it is best to proceed normally without lying down.
There is no problem with eating and drinking and exercising as you normally do. Please continue your normal life without worry. |
Q | I would like to use oocytes/sperm/embryos that have been frozen at another hospital, how can I do that? |
A |
We will carry out a procedure called transport.
It is possible to move from overseas even in a distant place while keeping the material frozen. We accept transport 365 days a year. First of all, please check with the hospital where it is currently stored, and then contact our IVF help desk. It is also possible to transport what it is stored at this hospital under most circumstances. |
Q | Is sex-selection possible? |
A |
The short answer is that yes, it is somewhat possible.
Please contact us about it. The sex chromosomes of the oocyte are all X, and the sex chromosomes of the sperm are X and Y. In other words, it is the sperm side that determines the sex (sex chromosome) of the fertilized oocyte. Sex selection is achieved by separating sperms using the difference in the specific densities of X sperms and Y sperms. However, the probability is not 100%, but about 80% of sex selection is possible. In addition, sperm processing can be performed by artificial insemination (AIH) or IVF, but not by timing treatment. In that case, you will need to use sex selection jelly. Some people say, "It's enough to give birth, why do you want to choose the sex?" But the number of pregnancies and childbirths in a human life is less than that of other organisms. Although there may be individual differences, we believe that the gender of a child is an important factor in his or her life. If you have any requests, please feel free to ask us anytime, whether or not you actually proceed with selection. |
Q |
I'm considering whether to undergo a hysterosalpingography.
Also, will the test be done at Oak Clinic, Sumiyoshi, not at Oak Clinic, Umeda? Please also let me know how to make a reservation. |
A |
The hysterosalpingography should be performed by the 10th day of your menstrual cycle, so please come in by the 5th day for a consultation and to make a reservation.
The test fee is ¥3,820 (with insurance coverage, tax included ¥4,202), and it will be conducted at Oak Clinic, Umeda. Regarding in-vitro fertilization, we are also available for consultations via email or phone, so please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. |
Q | Do I have to have hysterosalpingography? I’ve heard it’s painful. |
A |
At our hospital, we usually recommend this examination as soon as you start treatment.
In the case of timing or artificial insemination methods, sperm and oocytes must meet in the fallopian tubes. If there is a tubal blockage, sperm will not be able to reach the oocyte, no matter what you do. If the test is done later into treatment and a tubal blockage is found, time and money may have been wasted. If the fallopian tubes are in good condition and everything passes smoothly, the pain is similar to mild menstrual pain. However, if there is a blockage or narrowing, more pain may occur. Pain in this case is an important diagnostic tool, so please tell the doctor during the appointment about it, even when it seems trivial. |
Q | I want to know if it is possible for me to get pregnant. |
A |
We recommend a few general fertility tests.
However, even if all tests are normal, no one can promise that you will get pregnant when you try, it only means that the test could not find an abnormality. Whether or not you can get pregnant can only be determined by when you become pregnant, so please visit us to discuss strategy. |
Q | I would like information about the oocyte-freezing seminar. |
A |
In-person seminars have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please refer to our website for videos and price simulations about oocyte freezing. |
Q | Please tell me about the flow of oocyte pick-up and embryo transfer. |
A |
Here, we will provide a reference for the process.
It’s normal to have anxiety and worries, whether you are beginning fertility treatment for the first time or transferring from another clinic.
We accept inquiries by phone or email from those considering visiting us.
Whatever is on your mind (policies, details, fees, etc.) please feel free to contact and specialists will be happy to assist you by phone or email for free.
English Help Desk
TEL: 070-1820-0909
Email: english_help@oakclinic-group.com
[Reception time]
Monday-Sunday 09:00-17:00