The most frequent reason is the case of “We want to try IVF, but can’t take the plunge” as one and the problem of money.
Presently in 2013, insurance does not cover the costs of IVF, but all of the fees are to be paid by the patient in full.
It is very important to take into consideration the cost and other things like skill, and the convenience of when you are thinking about the decision of getting treatment at medical institutions because each clinic price settings are different.
Here is something that will differ greatly when it comes to the selection of the medical institution of when you get other treatment.
For example, when you get treatment that will be covered by insurance, no matter where you go the amount that you have to pay by yourself will be about the same so you should consider other points such as the location, treatment of the surgery, reputation of technical capabilities.
Also, in regards to medical care that is not under insurance, for example breast augmentation’s cosmetic surgery or dental implants; won’t it be the case that the most important point will actually be the skill level and aftercare because it is a one time deal?
In the case of doing In Vitro Fertilization, there are many cases of it being necessary to continue taking treatment several times because the success or failure of the treatment will greatly depend on the status of the oocytes of that cycle, although it would be good if we could achieve it just after one time.
Even how excited and fired up we may get and all the preparations fixed, there are still bad cycles of the condition, and there are also cases of getting pregnant “miraculously” after giving it a try because you have nothing to lose.
There is no need to say it was bad before and give up, but rather it would be good to be prepared from the beginning to know that that it will take a number of times (depending on age, around 3-10 oocyte pick-ups).
Therefore, the price of it each time will become very important.
It is because you won’t be able to continue if it is too expensive, and there is a possibility to lose the chance of pregnancy.
However, the cost is very high, for example one bottle for the culture solution will cost several ten-thousands of yen.
That will not compare to the costs of keeping a germ-free environment of the bio-lab, the machinery that focuses on the incubator and microscopes and the maintenance fees of such.
The costs are only for if there are good staff and embryologists.
At our clinic, we are continuing to give our best efforts to reduce, as much as we can, the costs associated with In Vitro Fertilization.
For one example, to do what we can to avoid such things as the uniform blood test(hormone test is main), and instead do our best to give the examinations that match our patient’s needs.
Additionally, we fortunately are taking care of many OPU cycles, and without sacrificing the quality, to some extent it is possible to lower the total cost.
In summary, it is a big problem of the cost for many of those whom undergo In Vitro Fertilization.
Also, please don’t hesitate to consult with our staff because that will be necessary information when it comes time to build your plan for IVF.
Also, although there are some differences depending on the municipality, and for infertility treatment there are subsidies provided, and we can help you apply for them.
By all means, please consult with us.