Currently, the subsidy system for infertility treatment is under the "2022 Transitional Measures" program, which is in line with the national policy.
Insurance coverage for infertility treatment began on April 1, 2022.
After the implementation date, the patient will be able to receive fertility treatment by paying 30% in principle at the counter of the medical institution.
Prior to the implementation of insurance coverage for infertility treatment, only tests for infertility causes and some symptoms were covered by insurance, and the expensive treatments IVF and ICSI were not.
For this reason, subsidies were provided by the national and local governments. However, the subsidy system is scheduled to be abolished as insurance coverage will be applied to those who begin fertility treatment on or after April 1, 2022.
Currently, in line with the national policy, the "transitional measures for the fourth year of 2022" are in effect, and "treatment started before March 2022 and completed after April 2022" is eligible for subsidies.
The deadline for applying for this subsidy is March 31, 2023.
The insurance coverage system for infertility treatment has just started to operate, and there may be cases in the future where different municipalities will deal with infertility treatment differently.
We urge you to check the latest information from your local government before starting fertility treatment.
Our clinic is a designated medical institution of promotional business dealing with specific infertility treatment costs.
Year by year, there is a steady increase of married couples coming to receive fertility treatment, but because In Vitro fertilization, micro-insemination and freeze-thaw embryo transfer are not covered by insurance, there are those who have no choice but to give up the fertility treatment due to economic reasons.
Therefore, in order to reduce the economic burden of such, the “Specific fertility treatment subsidies” has been created to subsidize part of the cost required for the specific infertility treatment.
By all means, take advantage of this system and get a more optimal treatment.
In many local governments, in order to subsidize only the total amount of the cost treatment if the treatment cost is under the limit, you have to apply to validly use the system when the treatment cost is more than the maximum amount of assistance.
If it is a municipality that does indeed grant coverage for the freeze-thaw embryo transfer, because it is quite often that the cost of the treatment does not exceed the maximum amount it is recommended to be submitted with In Vitro fertilization and micro-insemination.
To apply for a grant, you need a document to be filled out by a medical institution (eg, a certificate of infertility treatment cost subsidy business consultation).
Oak Clinic will create it free of charge in most situations unless additional assistance is required, so please fill out the "Grant Application Form" and apply at the Help Center or at the time of medical examination.
Please download the "Grant Application Form" from the link below.
Even if you are pregnant, there are times when you can not have a child due to a miscarriage or a stillbirth, but generally speaking you will be diagnosed with recurrent miscarriage syndrome if you have a history of miscarriage, premature birth or stillbirth of two or more times.
The recurrent miscarriage disease treatment cost subsidy program is the system subsidized by the government that is one part of the required expenses for recurrent miscarriages.
At present, in Osaka Prefecture, Takatsuki City is providing this system and this hospital is one of the medical institutions in the business.
In the future, we recommend that you check with the local government, since it is expected that there will be an increase in local governments to introduce a recurrent miscarriage treatment cost subsidy program.
The contents of the system and the application conditions (such as income) will be different for each municipality.
In advance, we request that you check yourself to see if it is appropriate in your government.
For more information, please contact your local ward office.
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