ET (Embryo Transfer) and endometrial biopsy go hand in hand to help with a patient’s reproductive journey.
Here, we reference the following study:(2009・13th World Congress on Human Reproduction「the impact of endometrial thickness, technical ET catheter issues and day 14 serum HCG after ovum pick up on the implantation rate and pregnancy outcome.
2011・At the 29th meeting of the Fertilization and Implantation Society, one important topic was whether endometrial thickness, bleeding during embryo transfer, and catheter type affects IVF results.
Cases in which a hard catheter was used at the time of ET seemed connected with poor results, as were cases with blood at the tip of the catheter.
Likely, this is because the implantation environment deteriorated due to damage from the catheter after regeneration by IFCE in the previous cycle.
In other words, IFCE is effective only when transplantation occurs carefully, without damage to the part of the endometrium that received IFCE. For that purpose, advanced ET techniques are required.
At Oak, we specially select a catheter that does not easily damage the endometrium so as not to disturb the implantation environment as much as possible.
We use an extremely careful approach under ultrasound to implant the embryo where the endometrium has been regenerated by IFCE.
AHA (artificial hatching assistance) may also help.
We consider things like material and diameter for the best possible results.