The purpose of hysterosalpingography is to check whether the fallopian tubes are open, whether the shape of the uterus (lumen) is normal, and whether there are adhesions around the fallopian tubes.
The uterus is the place where the sperm and egg meet, so if you are aiming for a natural pregnancy, timing method, or artificial insemination, it is essential that the fallopian tubes pass through.
The fallopian tubes are located on both sides of the uterus, and if both fallopian tubes are blocked, natural conception will not be possible because fertilization will not be possible.
Since the subsequent treatment policy will completely change depending on the results of hysterosalpingography, I think it is one of the best tests to do first.
Hysterosalpingography(HSG) is a test where a tube is inserted into the uterus, and from the tube a liquid(contrasting agent) is then injected.
After observing on a monitor how it spreads and taking an X-ray, we can understand the following:
① Condition of the Fallopian tubes
② Conditions of inner uterine cavity, uterus shape
③ Whether or not there is adhesion in the Fallopian tubes
The Fallopian tubes are connected to the uterus, and where the sperm and oocyte meet to be fertilized.
During this test and afterwards there might be pain similar to menstrual pains and possibly for several hours depending on the individual.
By taking this test we can get important information we can use for further treatment.
There have been several cases of patients whose Fallopian tubes were in bad condition and just by taking this test the tubal problem was fixed and were able to get pregnant.
The test is usually done after menstrual bleeding has completely stopped, within 10 days from the start of the menstrual cycle, but it might be done at another time based on the doctor's judgement.
You cannot engage in sexual activities until the test has been completed.
If you are a patient that has Fallopian obstruction confirmed by HSG and there are no other abnormalities, then In vitro fertilization(IVF) will be advised.