If you have been wanting a child for more than a year, you are infertile.
A surprisingly common cause of infertility is “male infertility” due to male factors (poor sperm quality).
Male infertility is said to be caused by low motility sperm that cannot reach the fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg.
In addition, since a woman's ability to conceive decreases after the age of 30, we recommend that she undergo fertility testing if she has not conceived after more than one year of wanting children.
The percentage of couples who have a partner and want children but are unable to have children is actually about 20% without treatment.
Of course, there are many people who do not pay particular attention to children because they are a gift.
However, a woman's ability to conceive steadily declines with age after the age of 30.
For best results, treatment should be started sooner rather than later.
If you have been wanting a child for more than a year, you are infertile.
Infertility can be tested and treated in the hospital.
A surprisingly common cause of infertility is “male infertility” due to male factors (poor sperm quality).
Even if you have one child, when you are examined, your sperm may not be in very good condition.
In order for a pregnancy to be established, it is necessary for the sperm and oocyte to meet, fertilize, and implant in the womb.
Generally, there are about 200 million sperm (50 to 100 million per ml.) By the time these move automatically and reach the ampulla of uterine tube, which is the fertilization site, eventually one sperm will fertilize with one oocyte.
The main role of the male side is to fertilize first, but if any part of the processes is abnormal, that may be impossible.
Infertility treatment is performed by a couple.
If you are struggling with infertility, both members of the couple should visit.
Our hospital has a male infertility outpatient clinic and also supports "TESE,” which collects sperm directly from the testes.
You can start with a consultation.
If you would like a male infertility examination, please contact "Oak Clinic Inquiries / Reservation Dial." We will inform you of the consultation hours.
〔Male Infertility Outpatient Clinic〕
> Oak Sumiyoshi Obstetrics and Gynecology
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