The Oak Group actively participates in academic societies held in Japan and overseas in order to obtain the latest information and techniques on infertility treatment and to present the research results at this hospital.
[A randomized comparison of three different hormone replacement protocols for thawed blastocyst transfer]
Randomized controlled trials of three hormone replacements in freeze-thaw blastocyst transplantation.
(Taguchi S, Funabiki M, Hayashi T, Tada Y, Iwaki Y, Karita M, Nakamura Y)
[The blastocoele stage and trophectoderm morphology grade predict the pregnancy rate of blastocyst transfers]
Pregnancy rate in blastocyst transplantation can be predicted by blastocyst cavity stage and trophectoderm grade.
(Funabiki M, Taguchi S, Hayashi T, Tada Y, Iwaki Y, Karita M, Takano T, Amano N, Saji F, Young L, Nakamura Y)
[The FGF 23 levels in human follicular fluids in the follicular phase of preimplantation are associated with the aging or quality of human oocytes]
Correlation between FGF23 concentration in follicular fluid and age and quality of human eggs at the time of egg collection before implantation.
(Saji F, Taguchi S, Funabiki M, Amano N, Takano T, Young L, Hayashi T, Tada Y, Iwaki Y, Karita M, Nakamura Y)
Can AMH be used as a marker to determine the probability of pregnancy in counseling prior to IVF with ovarian stimulation?
Since AMH is secreted by the granulosa cells of follicular follicles, it can be expected that when AMH is high (but not too high), a large number of eggs can be obtained by egg collection.
As a result, the number of embryos that can be transplanted will increase, and the acquisition rate of live babies in one egg collection cycle will increase.
In other words, the idea is that the pregnancy rate increases as a result of the correlation between AMH and the number of developing eggs.
Does high AMH correlate with pregnancy rate, i.e., egg quality? It is still controversial at present.
In the second paper, in order to predict the birth rate in one egg collection cycle, the birth rate prediction is made by adding AMH and AFC and both to the basic factors of cause, pregnancy history, BMI, and age.
Adding AMH to the underlying factors provided the most accurate prediction.
This is probably because high AMH increased the number of embryos that could be transplanted and increased the cumulative birth rate. Also, regarding BMI, this paper states that high BMI affects egg quality.
Certainly, there are many unsuccessful repetitive people who have succeeded after losing weight on a two-month Oak diet for unknown reasons. (Excerpt)
Letters from Patients
❖The doctor told me it’s harder to get pregnant than to be pregnant, but then I had terrible morning sickness and it took me two days to give birth!
Childcare is easier than that. The child is cuter than I imagined, and my husband, who was against in vitro fertilization, also loved me and took care of me and was happy in the end that we did this together.
I'm grateful that I could take a break from the company for this.
It was announced that the shift of the body clock with aging contributes to infertility.
Reducing this gap may lead to improvement in infertility.
This experiment was performed by staggering the cycle of the body clock of female mice.
It was normal in female mice 2 to 6 months old, but symptoms such as sexual cycle insufficiency appeared in female mice 8 to 12 months old (mid-30s to 40s in humans).
In addition, when the day and night time was adjusted to 1: 1 using lighting, the symptoms improved and the pregnancy efficiency recovered to the same level as the wild-type mouse.
Since humans also have a biological clock, it can be said that regular living can be one of the fertility activities.
There is growing interest in Japan for the practical application of pre-implantation screening, which is recognized as China and South Korea in Asia as well as in the United States and European countries.
Pre-implantation screening has led to improved mental stability, as fertility treatment in old age has a high miscarriage rate even during pregnancy.
Currently, the Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology seems to be planning a clinical study to verify whether pre-implantation screening has the effect of lowering the miscarriage rate. Various clinics are looking into it now.
Interests | Music |
Hobbies | Concerts, karaoke |
Special skill | Being able to sleep anywhere |
Message |
It's been a season when it gets cold at once and it's easy to get sick, but all the staff are waiting with a cheerful and cheerful smile.