For outpatients

Outpatients can apply for various appointments and procedures using the various procedure forms below.
Please make a reservation from the QR code or URL application form.

Various Procedure Forms

Referral Letter Application

To request a referral letter or letter of introduction, please fill out the application form using the QR code or URL below.



Childcare Reservation

You can apply for a reservation for the nursery room "Orchid Room" for patients using the Oak Clinic, Sumiyoshi Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology using the form below.
Please make a reservation from the QR code or URL application form.


Childcare Reservation

Request to send frozen storage extension disposal documents

Requests for sending frozen storage extension disposal documents can be made using the form below.
Please make a reservation from the QR code or URL application form.


Request to send frozen storage extension disposal documents

Application for various application documents (fee required)

For various application documents (fee required), please fill out the form below.
Please make a reservation from the QR code or URL application form.


Application for various application documents (fee required)

Apply for Grants

To apply for documentation related to grant applications, please fill out the form below to make an appointment.
Please make a reservation from the QR code or URL application form.


Apply for Grants

Application for change of registered information

You can apply for any changes in your name, address, telephone number, etc. registered with the hospital by filling out the form below.
Please make a reservation from the QR code or URL application form.


Application for change of registered information

Regional cooperation reservation application

If you would like to make a reservation for another hospital through regional cooperation from our hospital, you can apply using the form below.
Please make a reservation from the QR code or URL application form.


Regional cooperation reservation application