Fetal diagnosis conducted at the Oak Association

Outpatient Fetal Diagnosis

Doctor's Profiles

Hiroshi Fukumasu Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hiroshi Fukumasu

Nice to meet you. I am Dr. Fukumasu.
I have been working in the medical field for perinatology, general infertility, and gynecology for 35 years. By dedicating myself to daily medical practice while always respecting the dignity of life, I have experienced firsthand how valuable knowledge and skills accumulate, leading to providing the best possible treatment for my patients. I hope to be of help, though I am but one person, and I look forward to working with you. Thank you for your continued support.

What is Fetal Diagnosis?

Fetal Diagnosis helps ensure a peaceful and worry-free pregnancy. Through prenatal testing, we gather vital information about your baby’s health to check for serious illnesses or disabilities.

If any concerns arise, the goal of fetal diagnosis is to help you and your doctor consider the following:

1.Is there any issue with fetal growth?
2.What is the best approach for delivery?
3.How will the baby develop after birth, and how can you best care for the baby?

Please note that not all conditions can be detected through testing, but these exams can help identify congenital disorders and other concerns with high accuracy.

Couples Seeking Consultation

  • ● Concerns or anxieties about the baby’s health or potential illnesses
  • ● Advanced parental age
  • ● Previous pregnancies or births involving chromosomal issues or risks (e.g., Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13)
  • ● Either partner has structural chromosomal abnormalities

Test Items

Comprehensive Fetal Ultrasound

Examination Periods:

  • ● Early Scan / Comprehensive Fetal Ultrasound: Around 11 weeks of pregnancy
  • ● First Trimester Comprehensive Fetal Ultrasound: Between 12–14 weeks of pregnancy
  • ● Second Trimester Comprehensive Fetal Ultrasound: Between 18–20 weeks of pregnancy
  • ● Third Trimester Comprehensive Fetal Ultrasound: Between 28–30 weeks of pregnancy

This examination uses advanced ultrasound equipment, offering higher precision than standard prenatal ultrasound devices. It allows for a detailed assessment of the baby’s condition, including abnormalities and blood flow. Certain physical abnormalities caused by chromosomal issues may also be detected.

NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing)

Examination Period

  • ● 10-16 weeks of pregnancy

NIPT is a screening test that analyzes the baby’s DNA present in the mother’s blood. This test can identify the likelihood (positive, negative, or inconclusive) of chromosomal conditions such as Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18, and Trisomy 13.

NIPT Testing Method

What NIPT Results Reveal

NIPT Costs

Quatro Test

Examination Period

  • ● 15-17 weeks of pregnancy

This is a screening test that analyzes four components (AFP, uE3, hCG, and inhibin A) found in the mother’s blood, which are produced by the baby and placenta. It helps assess the risk of 21-trisomy (Down syndrome), 18-trisomy, and open neural tube defects (such as anencephaly and spina bifida). The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome or 18-trisomy increases as the mother's age advances.

Quatro Test - Test Method, Timing, and Costs

What can be determined from the results of the Quatro Test?

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

Examination Period

  • ● 10 to 15 weeks of pregnancy (recommended after 11 weeks of pregnancy))

This test involves collecting a sample of the chorion, which is part of the placenta in the early stages of pregnancy, to check for any chromosomal abnormalities in the baby. It can detect conditions such as Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18, and Trisomy 13. The test includes chromosome analysis (G-banding) and microdeletion testing (such as microarray).

Amniocentesis Test

Examination Period

  • ● 16 to 32 weeks of pregnancy (recommended after 17 weeks of pregnancy).

This test, performed after the mid-pregnancy stage, involves collecting a sample of amniotic fluid to check for chromosomal abnormalities in the baby. It can detect conditions such as Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18, and Trisomy 13. The test includes chromosome analysis (G-banding) and microdeletion testing (such as microarray).

Process of Fetal Diagnosis

Process of Fetal Diagnosis
  • ● For those who have undergone pre-implantation testing (PGT-A, PGT-M, PGT-SR), chorionic villus sampling is a test of the same area (the part that will become the placenta), so we recommend amniocentesis as a diagnostic test.
  • ● If abnormalities are found in comprehensive fetal ultrasound or non-diagnostic tests, we recommend undergoing a diagnostic test.
  • ● For those considering a diagnostic test after a non-diagnostic test, please be mindful of the timing of the test and the waiting period for results. There may be cases where a diagnostic test can no longer be performed while waiting for results.
  • ● Non-diagnostic tests are used for risk assessment and screening.
  • ● Diagnostic tests are used for definitive diagnosis.

Medical Costs for Fetal Diagnosis

Fetal Diagnosis Fee Schedule

■Test Timings

Test Name Type Examination Period
Comprehensive fetal ultrasound examination - Week 11, between week 12 to 13, between week 18 to 20, between week 28 to 30
NIPT(Non-invasive prenatal testing) Non-diagnostic After 10 weeks
Quatro Test Non-diagnostic Between week 15 to 17
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) Diagnostic From 10 weeks (recommended after 11 weeks)
Amniocentesis Diagnostic From 16 weeks (recommended in the 17th week)

■Ultrasound Examination

Test Examination Period Fee
Comprehensive fetal ultrasound examination (20 minutes) Early Scan※(11 weeks)

¥12,000(with tax¥13,200)
Twin pregnancy:¥21,600(with tax¥23,760)
Triplet pregnancy:¥30,000(with tax¥33,000)

Comprehensive fetal ultrasound examination (40 minutes) First Trimester (12–13 weeks)

¥32,000(with tax¥35,200)
Twin pregnancy:¥57,600(with tax¥63,360)
Triplet pregnancy:¥80,000(with tax¥88,000)

Second Trimester (18–20 weeks)
Third Trimester (28–30 weeks)

※Since the Early Scan provides limited information, please make sure to undergo the First Trimester Comprehensive Fetal Ultrasound.
※The 4D ultrasound examination is provided as a service during the comprehensive fetal ultrasound examination.
※Available at Oak Umeda Ladies Clinic.

■Non-diagnostic Tests

Test Result turnaround time Fee
NIPT (Non-invasive prenatal testing)

(Chromosomes 13, 18, 21) ※

14 days

Including blood drawing fee ¥99,000 (with tax¥108,900)

Quatro Test (Down syndrome probability) 14 days

Including blood drawing fee ¥25,000 (with tax¥27,500)

※If you would like more details about NIPT, please feel free to contact us.

■Diagnostic Tests

Test Result turnaround time Fee (per person)
Chorionic Villus Sampling (Gband Method) Includes Procedure Fee 14 days

¥168,000 (with tax¥184,800)

Amniocentesis (Gband Method) Includes Procedure Fee 14 days

¥148,000 (with tax¥162,800)

Option + Rapid Method (e.g., FISH) 2 to 3 days

+¥20,000 (with tax¥21,000)

+Microdeletion Detection (Microarray) 14 days

+¥100,000 (with tax¥110,000)

※Fees are subject to change without prior notice. ※Please understand that test results may be delayed. The provided timeframe is only an estimate. ※A reservation is required to undergo the test. Please contact us by phone for inquiries.

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