Infertility treatment, IVF, artificial insemination|Oak Clinic Inc. Osaka/Tokyo

Experts in Reproductive Medicine and Technology

Employment information

We are continuing to expand the scale and content of medical treatment, and we are recruiting a wide range of staff to improve our human resources. We are looking forward to your application.

Oak Clinic, Sumiyoshi
〒557-0045 2-7-9 Tamade-Nishi, Nishinari-ku, Osaka
Reception hours*1
Monday-Friday AM/PM※2/Night(PM)※3 9:00~19:00
Saturday*4 AM/PM※2 9:00-13:00
*1 Please note that medical reception hours and consultation hours differ.
*2 Afternoon consultations begin with reception from 13:00.
*3 Evening consultations begin with reception from 17:00.
*4 Oak Sumiyoshi Obstetrics and Gynecology is closed on Sundays and public holidays.
※ Evening Consultations: Patients using insurance will be required to pay a Designated Care Reservation Fee in addition to the standard insurance consultation fee.
※ Sundays and Public Holidays: Patients using insurance will be required to pay an Out-of-Hours Service Fee in addition to the standard insurance consultation fee.