Infertility Treatment Fees (Self-pay)

Some infertility treatments are covered by insurance, while others are not. In particular, treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) became eligible for insurance coverage in April 2022. However, there are restrictions on eligibility based on factors such as age, the number of treatments, and the specific procedures involved. The fees for major infertility treatments and tests are outlined below. Please note that costs may vary slightly depending on additional treatments and individual responses. For details on the costs of IVF and ICSI, please refer to the IVF Treatmentsection.

Infertility Testing

Items Self-pay
Before tax Including tax
Basal Body Temperature Fertility Thermometer ¥2,850 ¥3,135
Basal Body Temperature Chart ¥290 ¥319
Hormone Test Luteal Phase(LH, FSH, E2, PRL) ¥6,750 ¥7,425
High-Temperature Phase(P4) ¥3,430 ¥3,773
Ovarian Reserve Test(AMH) ¥7,970 ¥8,767
Chlamydia Test Antibody ¥4,000 ¥4,400
Antigen ¥4,080 ¥4,488
Follicle Check ¥4,770 ¥5,247
Hysterosalpingography(HSG) ¥31,040 ¥34,144
Hysterosalpingo-Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy) ¥6,360 ¥6,996
HF(HysteroFiber) HF(HysteroFiber) ¥8,160 ¥8,976
Weekend and Holiday Fees ※3※3 ¥1,000 ¥1,000
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Tests ※1※1 1 抗CL抗体IgG, LAC(Diluted Russell's Viper Venom Test), LAC(Phospholipid Neutralization Test) ¥9,560 ¥10,516
2 Anti-CL Antibody IgM, Anti-CL β2GP1 Antibody, Anti-PE Antibody IgG, Anti-PS/PT Antibody, TSH, FT3, FT4, PT, APTT, Coagulation Factor XII, Protein S Activity, Protein C Activity ¥47,630 ¥52,393
3 Th1 / Th2, Natural Killer Activity ¥27,890 ¥30,670
4 G-BAND Chromosome test (per person)¥35,500 (per person)¥39,050
5 Vitamin D, Zinc, Copper ¥4,720 ¥5,192
6 NeoSelf Antibody Test ¥39,780 ¥43,758
Huhner Test ¥1,200 ¥1,320
Anti-Sperm Antibody Test ¥6,500 ¥7,150
Male Infertility
For Male Infertility, Please Click Here >>
Semen Analysis (Including Container Fee) ¥1,200 ¥1,320
Special Semen Analysis - Halo Sperm Test ¥80,000 ¥88,000
Hormone Test (LH, FSH, PRL, Free Testosterone) ¥6,670 ¥7,337
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) Test※2 ¥12,000 ¥13,200
DFI (DNA Fragmentaion Index) Test / ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) Test Set※2 ¥17,000 ¥18,700
Y Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis Test ¥39,700 ¥43,670

※1 Recurrent pregnancy loss testing may be covered by insurance in some cases. The above amount includes a blood test fee of ¥500 (¥550 including tax) and the diagnostic fee.
※2 An additional semen analysis fee is charged separately.
※3 Please note that appointments may not be available on weekends and public holidays.

General Fertility Treatment

Item Self-pay
Before tax Including tax
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)※2 Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) (Including Container and Antibiotic Fees) ¥19,000 ¥20,900
Weekend and Holiday Fees※3 ¥1,000 ¥1,100
Cancellation Fee After Sperm Preparation on the Same Day ¥3,000 ¥3,300
Sex Selection Jelly ¥10,000 ¥11,000
Lincal S (Calcium Phosphate) ¥4,500 ¥4,950
Percoll Method Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) (Including Container and Antibiotic Fees) ¥60,000 ¥66,000
Cancellation Fee ¥30,000 ¥33,000
Weekend and Holiday Fees ¥5,000 ¥5,500

※2 For Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), if the semen is not received at least one hour before the reception closes, an additional after-hours fee will apply.
※3 Please note that appointments may not be available on weekends and public holidays.

※The diagnostic fee and specimen collection fee are included in the price for tests that require them.
※In accordance with the total price display obligation, we have listed the prices including tax. Please note that there may be discrepancies in the calculation at the time of payment.
※Insurance coverage may apply in some cases.
※The above fees are subject to change without prior notice.