Recurrent pregnancy loss is a condition in which pregnancy can be established, but live birth continues to elude.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Research Report published in 2011 defines this as at least two incidents of miscarriage or stillbirth, and the Reproductive Medicine Society of the United States and Europe also stipulates that there have been two or more unsuccessful pregnancies.
Recurrent miscarriage and habitual miscarriage are both addressed.
Miscarriage occurs more often than people think, in around 10-15% of pregnancies, most of which are caused by fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
Two or more constitutes a pathology.
The first miscarriage is not uncommon.
Most of them are not problems with the couple, and simply caused by chromosomal abnormalities that can happen randomly in any case.
While it is not uncommon for two miscarriages to occur, given the probability of spontaneous miscarriage, it is possible that one of the partners may have some reason for repeated miscarriage.
Our hospital conducts tests to investigate the cause and provides the necessary treatment.
Patients with recurrent pregnancy loss experience both the joy of pregnancy and the sadness of miscarriage and stillbirth, and that emotional burden can impact future efforts.
For reassurance, both partners can investigate the cause and treat anything possible.
In addition, with the age of marriage increasing and the birthrate declining, the age of patients receiving assisted reproductive technology is also aging, and the importance of one pregnancy is greater than ever.
Therefore, we encourage investigation of recurrent pregnancy loss.
Eighty-five percent of recurrent pregnancy loss patients eventually give birth to a child.
We hope to help keep your spirits up on this journey.