It is estimated that 80% of men suffering from infertility have problems with spermatogenesis.
The condition in which the number of sperm becomes low and their movement becomes sluggish is called "spermatogenesis dysfunction".
More than half of all spermatogenesis dysfunction cases have no known cause, and this unexplained spermatogenesis dysfunction is referred to as "idiopathic spermatogenesis dysfunction".
Even if the cause is unknown, it may be improved by medication such as supplements with improved lifestyle.
As you age, sperm production functions such as semen volume, sperm concentration, and motility decline, but moderate sperm production dysfunction can often be recovered by changing your diet and lifestyle.
Sperm health is greatly influenced by lifestyle.
Of course, it may be difficult due to work commitments, but if you are tired, it is important to start by improving your daily life.
The following are examples of daily lifestyle habits that you should be aware of.
Eat a regular, well-balanced diet.
Too much saturated fatty acids, which are found in meat and dairy products, can negatively affect sperm concentration, but there are reports that omega-3 fatty acids, which are unsaturated fatty acids found in seafood, poultry, nuts, fruits and vegetables, have a positive effect on sperm shape.
It is said that if a man sleeps less than 6 hours a day, his partner's chance of getting pregnant decreases by 43%, and if he sleeps more than 9 hours a day, it decreases by 42%.
Both lack of sleep and oversleeping can affect reproductive function, so it is important to maintain a regular lifestyle.
Sperm count, concentration, and motility are low in obese men, and malformed sperm are common, which promotes male infertility.
In addition, testicular function functions at 2-3°C below body temperature, so sitting increases testicular temperature and interferes with spermatogenesis.
It is recommended to wear loose-fitting, breathable undergarments that do not overheat the testes.
Smoking puts aging stress (oxidative stress) on the body and has a negative effect on the number, motility, and shape of sperm, so it is necessary to quit smoking.
Antioxidant supplements that reduce oxidative stress are known to improve sperm concentration and motility.
Specifically, the following supplements improve sperm findings (total sperm count, sperm concentration, sperm motility).
Unexplained spermatogenesis dysfunction is the most common cause of male infertility, and there are no medications or surgeries that can guarantee pregnancy.
In addition, lifestyle changes and supplements that reduce oxidative stress are effective, but their effects are limited and may not lead to pregnancy.
The pregnancy rate decreases with age for both men and women, so if your partner has not been able to conceive for a long time, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible and receive aggressive infertility treatment.
Additionally, medications can affect sperm.
Male hormones are required for spermatogenesis, and for example, the drug for treating male pattern baldness, Propecia, is an anti-androgen and interferes with spermatogenesis.
"Tigason" is a dermatological drug, but it is not recommended to become pregnant while taking it because it is teratogenic.
Other drugs include steroids, salazopirin (a medicine for ulcerative colitis), anti-ulcer drugs, narcotics, and alcohol.
Spermatogenesis takes about 70 days, so if the patient is taking such drugs, about 3 months after the end of the medication is needed to start treatment.
In addition, for those who are going to receive anticancer drugs, which inevitably cause damage to the body, it is recommended to cryopreserve sperm first.